Static ICL to Dynamic ICL Conversion

You can convert a static ICL into a dynamic ICL.

You can update the fabric settings rack-mct-scheme on an already deployed fabric provided all the racks of the existing fabric have same ports participating in the ICL or MCT port-channel.

Ensure that the ICL or MCT LLDP ports of all the racks match exactly with the rack-mct-ports and rack-Id-mct-ports fabric setting.

Shutdown or disable (lldp disable) the additional LLDP ports followed by fabric configure, and then re-attempt the static ICL to dynamic ICL conversion. Once the conversion is completed, bring up the additional LLDP links followed by fabric configure.



When you modify the fabric setting rack-mct-scheme to "dynamic", the fabric setting rack-Id-mct-ports is reset to the empty string.